Last Updated:
August 2024

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Scanned Files

The Scanned File List

This Scanned File List shows many (although not all) of our library holdings. The left column titled "Scan File/Folder shows the file name or the file folder of the scanned images. PLEASE NOTE: These files are not available on the website because of web space limitations! Many of these have been indexed and are included in our Index System. However, because some of them are not included in the Index System, you may want to search the listing for your family names. If you would like to find more information about a particular listing, you can  send a request.  

The Computer Scanned File List

The difference between this Computer Scanned File List and the above Scanned File List is, for the most part, we do not have the physical holdings for these. These are items people brought in to share with us to scan, then took back home with them for example. It is possible there is overlap between this file and the above Scanned File List. PLEASE NOTE: These files are not available on the website because of web space limitations! You may want to browse or search the description of these files to see if any may be of interest to you. If you would like to find more information about a particular listing, you can  send a request.  

This page created: June 2016 Files updated August 2018