Last Updated:
August 2024

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Phone: 517.997.0666    E-mail: Corresponding Secretary     © 2020 Eaton County Genealogical Society

Current Projects

Probate Packet Scanning

In one of our vaults, we have 17,000 probate packet folders that span many, many boxes on many shelves. In the summer of 2012, we received a grant from the Eaton County Historical Commission to purchase scanners and supplies to scan these packets. It was estimated to be a 5-year project. We meet regularly on Tuesday afternoons at our library room as a group to scan. Someone is there from noon - 5pm and anyone can come anytime during that time period. Once anyone knows what they are doing, they can come in and scan any time the room is open. The group that does meet on Tuesdays share a great fellowhip time with various information passing back and forth and lots of laughter. Please contact Sherry Copenhaver (via e-mail) at for more information.

Past Projects

A prior project we did (and may do again in the future): Kids create their family tree with the Charlotte Community Library!! (Saturday May 31, 2014)

See the Family Tree Project Kids Activity for our workshop for kids from 8-16 to create their family tree! Contact the library to reserve a spot for your child/children or grandchild/granchildren! If you have any questions, please contact us at

This page last updated: January 2018