Last Updated:
May 2024

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Phone: 517.997.0666    E-mail: Corresponding Secretary     © 2020 Eaton County Genealogical Society

All-Names Lists From Databases

Our library has four databases that contains indexes. These include the Index System, Cemetery Database, Land Records Database and Surname Contact Database. In the future, there will be two more added. One will be the School Database and the other will be the Military Database.

The Index System is our original database and tells us where a name appears in the various holdings we have in our library, such as court records, obituary books, scrapbooks, etc. The Cemetery database contains much more information for a name such as Birth and Death info and usually what is shown on the headstone. The Land Records database holds early deed record microfilm information that can be used to quickly find the deed at the Eaton County Courthouse on their microfilm. The Surname Contact database holds information filled out by researchers over the years who filled out surnames and sometimes specific ancestors they are researching. Please note that the name for one database can be referencing the same record in another database. This is especially true with the Cemetery database and the Index System database. Most names in the Cemetery Database will also appear in the Index System.

The following lists show each name within each database we have. There could be one record for that name, or there could be mulitple records. These lists simply show the names we have in the databases in our ECGS library. If the print is too small, use your zoom feature to enlarge it. These lists were created March 24, 2015 and will be updated periodically.

Many of the records for these names are included in various lists from the Database page and may show more information about the record. Those lists are behind.

Members: For names in the Index System, there may be more information about the records in our Members Section using the Search Database option. However, updating of this database is behind.

If you find a name you would like more information on, please see our guidelines to send a request.

Last Name Begins WithLast Name Begins WithLast Name Begins WithLast Name Begins With
A - D E - K L - R S - Z
This page created: March 2015