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Phone: 517.997.0666    E-mail: Corresponding Secretary     © 2020 Eaton County Genealogical Society

Land Records

Phone 517-543-8792  Fax 517-543-6999
(updated March 2011)

Land Records are stored on microfilm at the new Eaton County Courthouse.  To obtain a copy of a Land Record and for additional information, contact Eaton County Register of Deeds.

Website:  Eaton County Register of Deeds    
Eaton County Register of Deeds
1045 Independence Blvd
Charlotte, MI  48813
517-543-4134 Fax


There are many index books at the Eaton County Courthouse where names can be searched.  The Deed  books include the year, Grantee (who received the land), Grantor (who sold the land), Liber and Page number. 

The Eaton County Genealogical Society is in the process of indexing these records and providing a master index list for searching.  Currently we are offering indexes of deeds at this website.  Our goal is to work from the earliest deeds to about 1900.  The estimated time it will take to accomplish this will depend on how many volunteers we can get to help with this project.  If you are interested in assisting with the indexing and/or proofing, which consists of using your photo software and Excel, please e-mail Eaton County Genealogical Society for more information. The next stage of this project will be early Mortgage indexes.

These pdf files can be quite large.  If the print is too small to read easily, please use the + feature from your reader to magnify the list. There should be a search area on your adobe reader to type in a name and go directly to the name.

Click here for Deeds Index List

The list of Deeds includes 3 sets of names.  Each index book has either the Grantees listed first and Grantors listed second, or vice-versa. Each line has 2 records in the Master Index; one for the Grantee and one for the Grantor.  The first name listed in the Index is for the index itself.  For example:
Year   Grantee Last  Grantee First   Grantor Last  Grantor First  Liber  Page
1838   Smith             John                Brown           William            8      16

Index Last   Index First   (To/From)  Year    Last (Name 1)   First (Name 1)  Last (Name 2)   First (Name 2)  Liber  Page
Brown         William        (Grantor)    1838   Smith                 John                  Brown              William                8      16
Smith           John            (Grantee)    1838  
Smith                 John                  Brown              William                8      16

The year listed may not be the year of the actual land transaction and may be the year it was recorded.  The actual deed must be seen to determine when the transaction took place.

As indexing is completed, names will be added to the list of Deeds above and a separate list will be included below of the listing of the index as it is.  (Note:  See links below to see original index from each book.)

Any questions regarding the web page, please contact the Eaton County Genealogical Society at the phone number or e-mail listed at the top of the page.

Year Index Book Listing (exactly how the index appears)  Click on link.
1835 - 1854 Book 1a Front (Grantors to Grantees)
1835 - 1854 Book 1a Back (Grantees to Grantors)
1835 - 1854 Book 1b Front (Grantees to Grantors)
1835 - 1854 Book 1b Back (Grantors to Grantees)
1853 - 1865 Book 2 (Grantees to Grantors)
1854 - 1865 Book 2 (Grantors to Grantees)